This space is a community, a cyber family if you will; it is a living, dynamic resource from those of us who years ago first realized that we were in a battle and needed our own healing at the deepest levels of our lives. After that, we wanted to pass that healing on to others in a self-replicating, Christian healing community. This is a community resource where you can be saved to save, healed to heal, and freed to free.
Life is broken. Reality is, in fact, extremely broken, fallen, better said, and is experiencing a not-so-hidden war of eternal consequences. As we turn our gaze around us, we see broken and wounded people, relationships and society. We experience a level of personalized evil that does not make sense. We see a pandemic percentage of humans suffering, not only physically, but from a score of spiritual, emotional and relational wounds. A wide range of bondages–fear, anger, rejection, shame, rage, lies, along with spiritual deception, inferiority, unforgiveness, depression, phobias, sexual brokenness, uncontrollable impulses and insatiable desires seem to be the internal programming that drive people on chaotic journeys leading to generational cycles of wounding, hate, desperation and destruction. Is this really happening to us? Is there an underlying core reason for such a state we find ourselves in? How can we overcome this broken reality? What are we going to do? Is there any hope?
Yes, there is profound hope, a solution, and a way out of this broken mess! In my many journeys all over this planet and in my exploration of the wide variety of human philosophies and religions, I have met only one healthy person and his name is Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life…He indeed will lead us back to the Father and our original intent for existing.
One day, long ago, Jesus stood up in a community of believers, took a scroll from Isaiah and read: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…” He stopped, laid down the scroll, took his seat amongst the community and proclaimed: “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” He then went about doing just that. He engaged the enemy of our souls.
Reconciliation and healing in God was being set loose in reality. Jesus was fulfilling the ancient prophecy of the Messiah. What was broken was now being mended. The year of the Lord’s favor had arrived. A healing relationship and intimacy with Him that He originally intended for us, a life full of promise and purpose, was being restored to human kind. A new, powerful kingdom had invaded a dark, cruel reality actually defeating the Lord of that reality. This kingdom of God spreads even today by those who have put their trust in Him, Jesus. We are called to do what He did, to heal that which is wounded, and to break chains to free that which is imprisoned.
We hope that this cyber healing community can be of great help to you and those around you to encounter His healing and freeing presence. We then hope you share that same deep healing with the broken ones around you. We welcome you in the greatest adventure one will ever undertake. Be blessed in His Name. May you bear His likeness.